Tuesday 30 August 2011

Saying Goodbye to the locals moving on tomorrow, but right now back to site for a cool off in the pool

Veiwing platform with a glass floor for the brave only

Viewing platform

lots more views

more things at the top

At the top is a musuem, with no extra cost only the chair lift price, plenty to do for the kids, well worth the trip make sure kids got dry clothes to come down with

Making friends with the locals

Didn't look so far up from the bar but theres another three levels you can,t see from the bar

Having a drink before going on up into the mountains, We are staying at the Tirol camp, this site gives free bus passes so we have travelled to Triassic Park, recommend by the site , This attraction is about 25 minutes away

The hills are alive with the sound of English

On top of the world

First time in a chair lift for three of them, up in the mountains five minutes from site

Roads on Austria side

Switch backs on the Austria side

Locals keeping a eye out


No mans land, in between Italy and Austria

Saying Hello t0 Austria for the first time for all of us

Saying Goodbye to Italy once again is heartbreaking knowing it will be another year before we see it again , It has been another fantastic holiday, still my favourite place

The non toll road from Italy to Austria, switch backs tight in some places but far more interesting than the toll roads, these are photos of Wayne and Traceys Caravan we are following behaind

Our fearsome pirates off on the pirate galleon free to children 6 to 11